Sunday, June 30, 2013

Getting in my own way...

"Never let yourself get in your own way"

Wait...what does that even mean? *Sigh* Quick tongue, quick temper, quickly in trouble. If I can just figure out when to bite my tongue and let things go and when I need to speak up and hold my ground I feel I'll be a lot better off. So many personalities, opinions, patients, situations in the ER. To explain a little further, we had a registration gal tell us they wanted to bring a patient back, skipping four patients that had been waiting longer, because "this patient never comes in". Uhh, that's technically discriminating, and we can't do that. Another registration gal makes a little mistake and brings back a patient who hasn't been waiting as long as someone else. Not really the end of the world, but I know these patients are watching who is going back first, and keeping mental tabs on who has been waiting longest. I got to hear all about it last week when a patient flipped his lid that I saw someone else before him (he was brought back out of order, and  I tend to look at the situation first, then the triage time, so yeah, he came back first, but the other patient was waiting longer). But the second gal wants to make a big deal about this, in front of everyone, and it's awkward, and I'm wishing I had just not said anything to feed into this dispute. I have six patients to take care of, and I really don't want to piss off the charge nurse.


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